🍉疑易建联事件“女主”辟谣 但账号已被封 曾表示“卖出强大”
[–][MIL] Ray Allenbigdicksam 60 points 14 hours ago
I’m sorry, don’t you mean Milwaukee Bucks Legend??
注: 2007年NBA选秀,易建联以第一轮第6顺位被密尔沃基雄鹿队选中。
[–]Warriorso5ca12 36 points 9 hours ago
Now your credit score goes down if you like him
[–]LakersAidrox 8 points 10 hours ago
People are allowed to sell lawn mowers and lawn mowing services. Why can’t people sell their ass?
[–]Clipboard4 389 points 20 hours ago
"Oh, my God, that"s disgusting! Naked pics online? Where? Where did he post those? "
[–]Whamalater 59 points 14 hours ago
One of those nasty revenge porn sites.
[–]Pacersngerb_5 32 points 13 hours ago
Please give me as specific details as possible so I can avoid it
[–]LakersAyumiHikaru 270 points 19 hours ago
Yi is very good behavior customer, good enough to let prostitute take a picture of his ID
Joke aside
He paid her/him or whatever 1500 USD, which is very generous in China
Really not big deal
[–]jefe_hook 238 points 15 hours ago
It"s pretty big deal in China since he was the ex-captain of the Chinese National Team. Not to mention, he"s married with two kids. Of more than 20 brands said to have ties with him, only seven, including Nike, still retained any Yi-related materials on their official Weibo accounts.
新闻链接>>>>>>易建联“涉嫌嫖娼”传言爆发后 13家品牌已撤下与他相关的内容
[–]Robinsonirish 40 points 15 hours ago
Really not big deal?
Well that depends on the country I suppose. It would be a very big deal in Sweden, where it"s illegal, lots of celebrities have had their careers ruined when caught in a sting operation.
Idk about China but Google says its illegal over there as well.
[–]POCARIENTHUSIAST 161 points 18 hours ago
At least bro didnt rape anyone.
[–]Lakerssecretreddname 19 points 9 hours ago
Hong Kong and Macau have brothels everywhere. Singapore has four floors of whores in one of the malls.
[–]San Diego Clippersdead-serious 26 points 11 hours ago
my friends in Asia all ask their wives for permission first, esp. for a night out at the KTV. it"s just the culture over there, less of a stigma.
[–]Kingsfiasgoat 10 points 9 hours ago
that is pretty wild
[–]Celticsoby100[🍰] 3 points 5 hours ago
That sounds so crazy. Hard to imagine wives just being like, “ok, no problem. Go bang some whores. I’ll leave a plate for you in the fridge.”
[–]Warriorsfantasyoutsider 105 points 15 hours ago
Very unprofessional (of the hooker)
[–]crummynubs 3 points 9 hours ago
Once you consort with the underworld, you"ve opened up Pandora"s box. He probably - unwisely - balked on paying the blackmail fee.
[–]TimberwolvesNazReidBeWithYou [score hidden] 47 minutes ago
If you pay the blackmail fee once you"re only going to wind up paying it again and again. At that point the best thing you can do is come clean to your family first to try and get ahead of it.
[–]HeatPimpwerx 50 points 16 hours ago
Man"s apparently did not pay the extra discretion fee. I feel bad for him, because if he paid and didn"t violate in any way, then the vendor should"ve respected his privacy.
[–]RequirementLeading12 13 points 12 hours ago*
P. Giddey sleeps with a minor and gets away with it because "I was tricked, she was in a 21+ club" but this guy gets in trouble for exchanging services with a consenting adult? Our laws are weak.
[–]ClippersJasonMraz4Life 7 points 11 hours ago
Make America more like China!!!
[–]elgarraz 4 points 10 hours ago
Look, the bar is low. Unless she was trafficked or underage or it wasn"t otherwise consensual, this sounds like a personal problem to me.
球迷:大家看啊,这个“定罪”标准有点低。除非那个妓“女”是被迫进行性交易的、或者未成年,或者是其他非双方自愿的情况, 否则这对我来说看起来是个人恩怨引起的。
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